After delivery, the new mother and her baby require special care. Ayurveda gives detailed guidance about care to be taken, including lifestyle advice and specific dietary guidelines, during this extremely sensitive period.
A postnatal period beginning immediately after the separation of placenta and extending from 6 weeks to up to the onset of the next menstruation. Postnatal care ensures proper nutrition for the woman to regain strength after pregnancy. The woman becomes weak due to labor and nourishing the fetus. Her body tissues (dhatu) lose structural as well as functional integrity. Labor pain and expulsion of uterine contents cause physical and psychological instability. Proper diet and lifestyle regimen during the postnatal period replenish the tissue elements (dhatu) in the body. It helps to come back to the pre-pregnant state gradually.
Importance of Postnatal Care:
> To bring the Woman’s health status to the pre-pregnant state
> To prevent the complaints during Sutika kala such as Urinary tract infection, backache, loss of appetite, thirst, anger, anxiety, disturbed sleep, depression etc